Kathy worked for 40 years in public education as a teacher and guidance counselor. Thirty-one years of that time was spent in Richland School District Two employed
as a high school guidance counselor.
After retirement she continued her passion for empowering others and her concern
for peace. She was one of the founding members of the Faith Coalition on Gun
Violence and currently serves as its chairperson.
Continuing her actions to promote peace, she completed the training to become a
volunteer workshop facilitator for AVP (Alternatives to Violence Program). AVP is a
national and international organization that is about creating peaceful lives and
peaceful communities. Started over 30 years ago after a riot at Attica prison, a group
of Quakers created AVP and it’s signature eighteen-hour workshop that differs from
other conflict resolution programs because it has a spiritual base and total
experiential format. Currently she is chairperson for AVP-SC.
A member of Washington United Methodist Church for 35+ years, she serves as an
occasional Sunday school teacher and member of the Missions Committee. Other
memberships include the League of Women Voters, 35 years with the same
“Women’s Group” who meet twice a month for dinner, and two book clubs.